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Coffee grown & processed by a female-led family farming operation in the indigenous communities of the Cordillera Mountains in the Northern Philipipnes. She is paving the way for specialty coffee in the region & her coffee is pristinely processed. Very small microlot!


Price per pound.


Region:  Benguet, Cordillera Mountains


Varieties:  Typica, Red Bourbon, Yellow Bourbon, Orange Bourbon


Process:  Washed


Elevation: 1200 masl


Harvest: December - May


Flavor notes:  Citrus, brown sugar, almond


Social benefits:  Supports indigenous, smallholding female farmer operation & rural livelihood revitalization




Contact us for wholesale inquiries here.


Bourbon coffee varietals originated from Yemen and was transported to La Reunion by French missionaries in the early 1700s. For 150 years, bourbon was cultivated exclusively on this island in the Indian Ocean. In the mid-1800s, as colonial aspirations heightened, the plant made it's way to Africa, Latin America, and the Pacific. Caturra coffee varietal is a natural mutation of the Bourbon variety which was then breed in Brazil to select the best-performing plants and propogate their seeds in the early 1900s.



Filipina-produced Microlot. Washed Typica-Bourbon Green Coffee Beans

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